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Mind the (Action) Gaps

Last week’s blog explored the idea of how truly thriving in the Dad Zone requires you focus on strengthening your relationship with Mama to better connect to her and her journey and to better prepare for the challenges coming up in Fatherhood. However, the first step in strengthening this relationship, or any relationship of consequence, is to first connect more deeply with yourself and root further into your own truth and integrity (as covered in this previous Sacred Individuality post). Stronger foundations make better bridges, and a key process for strengthening your foundation is to shore up your personal integrity by first finding, and then eliminating, any Action Gaps that are weakening it.

 To briefly reiterate, Action Gaps are any and all the places where you are making either mental or verbal plans, promises, or commitments to do a specific action at a later time, but then don’t actually follow through with things. In short, there are gaps between your words/thoughts and the actions that actually follow. These Action Gaps may be large or small, serious or inconsequential, but the bigger issue is that their mere existence is inherently problematic.

 At the end of the day, your personal integrity is only as strong as your word is good, and nowhere is this more fundamental than your own sense of trust in yourself. What many people fail to realize is that their trust and confidence in themselves greatly impacts the trust and confidence that other people will have in them too. In other words, self-trust creates the strong foundation necessary for other people to place trust in you as well. Therefore, nurturing/nourishing your confidence and trust in yourself will naturally lead to you gaining more trust and credibility in the mind of Mama too.

 Where in your life are you coming up short in your promises and commitments to yourself? To your friends and colleagues? And most importantly, to Mama? How have you seen the constantly changing dynamics of the pregnancy to parenthood journey challenge the connections between your words and deeds? As the Family Responsibilities side of the equation continues to get bigger and bigger, how are these increasing demands stressing your trust and confidence in yourself? What is the state of your integrity with yourself? With Mama?

 If you’d like some help in identifying any Action Gaps, closing the ones you may have found, and setting up a clearer path towards Dad Zone Thriving then reach out today to set up a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Call to see if a Dad Zone Thriving Coaching engagement is a good fit for you.